A river is a complex system formed by many geomorphological and demographical elements which in turn keep a delicate equilibrium with each other. Nowadays, there is a sound conviction all over Europe about recovering a good ecological state of our rivers. This implies not only restoring water quality but also river morphology and a river functioning compatible with both fluvial ecosystems (flora and fauna) development and flood risk control activities. In the end, the fluvial space restoration is proposed and for suitably embrace that aim it is clearly essential a close collaboration with the river
In the course of the 2016, the AEIP and the EFIB have carried out a series of activities framed in the Donosti2016 European Cultural Capital schedule with the fluvial bioengineering playing a leading role. As a key outcome, both organizations have made a joint effort in the International Soil Bioengineering Conference organization which will be held on November 2016, with two days of conferences and one day excursion in the Urumea River.
Congress Triptych
Tematic Areas
Works related to the restoration of degraded areas, using primarily water- and soil-bioengineering techniques belonging to the following areas:
- River restoration and revitalisation
- Stormwater management and raingardens
- River management and citzen participation
- Regeneration of wetlands, , reservoirs and coastal areas
- Hydro forest restoration activities in mountain areas, slope stabilization
- Linear infrastructures: highways, gas pipelines and railways
- Extractive activities, mines, quarries and landfills
- Urban and peri-urban areas
- Planning and management of the landscape: Green Infrastructures
- Fire affected areas
- Techniques , materials, modelisation and calculation
Temátic Areas
Preliminary Memory