Professor Emeritus of the Institute of Bioengineering and Landscape Construction of the University of Bodenkultur (BOKU), Vienna – Austria / Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards / Institute of Bioengineering and Landscape Architecture (IBLB). Secretary of EFIB (European Federation of Bioengineering). Professional experience: bioengineering plant technology, botany, erosion (erosion control); flash floods and avalanches research, soil science, construction technology, planning green areas, environmental organization, landscape planning.
Urban river revitalisation in urban scenarios

Doctor in Forestry Engineering, Head of the Forest Science Department at the University of Parana in Curitiba. Professor of Forestry and degraded land restoration in the Federal University of Paraná (Curitiba). He has worked in the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources IBAMA and in the Environmental Institute of Parana. Representative of SER International for Latin America and the Caribbean (2007-2011). He is also member of the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Ecological Restoration Board.
Potentialities, opportunities and the art of restoring degraded land in Brazil

President of APENA (Portuguese Soil Bioengineering Association). Member of the Executive Council of the LPN (Portuguese League for the Protection of Nature). Researcher at the ” Prof. Baeta Neves Center for Applied Ecology” ISA-UL, Lisbon. Reviewer of “Ciência Florestal”. Expert in international cooperation projects in Italy, Portugal, Morocco, Armenia and Romania, with experience in: soil bioengineering, forest fires, drought, management of protected areas, European environmental legislation and training of park personnel. Director of the Vesuvius National Park and member of the Executive Board of the Astroni nature reserve (1997-2005).
New Soil Bioengineering techniques applied to infrastructures. The vegetated berm “The Portuguese”

Dr Giovanni De Cesare is an associate senior researcher and vice-director of the hydraulic constructions Laboratory -LCH- of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. President of the Verein für Ingenieurbiologie of Switzerland. He has more than 20 years of experience in physical and numerical modelling in all domains of hydraulic structures and schemes with more than 50 studies performed as well as several commissioned studies and expert technical reports in applied hydraulics and hydraulic constructions. Giovanni De Cesare holds an MSc in Civil Engineering and a PhD in technical sciences from the EPFL. He is author of more than 100 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, publications and conference proceedings.
Evolution of a restored river course and measures to correct undesirable effects

Architect and Landscape Architect. From 1993 to 2012 she was an associate teacher of Landscape ecology at the Genova University. President of the IALE (Italian Association of Landscape Ecology). Member of several scientific and professional associations. She runs her own landscape architectural studio working in the fields of landscape planning, strategic assessment and landscape architecture. Consultant for several Italian regions and provinces on the themes of landscape planning among which are the following examples: the Landscape Planning of the Liguria region, the river contract in the Olona, Seveso and Lambro rivers. She was member of the scientific committee of the Ticino watershed Park. She is the author of the waterways project in the EXPO MILANO 2015. She is author of more than 100 research papers.
The water sustainable management in anthropogenic landscapes

Professor at the Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany). Vice-president of the European Federation of Landscape Bioengineering. Her main projects are related to Bioengineering, conservation and landscape management. She is the author of numerous books on Bioengineering and she promoted the edition of the Soil Bioengineering European Guidelines. In her works she highlights the importance of using suitable plant species in the restoration and bioengineering works and projects.
Restoring ecological connectivity at the River Neckar in Ludwigsburg “Zugwiesen”

PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Salamanca. His research has always been related Restoration Ecology. Professor of Ecology at the University of Valladolid since 2000, currently Associate Professor in the Department of Ecology (Department of Agroforestry Sciences) and member of the Institute for Research in Sustainable Forest Management University of Valladolid-INIA. In addition, the Working Group responsible for Ecological Restoration AEET since 2013 and member of the International Society for Ecological Restoration in the European Chapter (SER Europe).
Ecological restoration: towards the common goal of improving our environment

Doctor in Forestry Engineering from the Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble I. He works as both Forestry engineer and Doctor in mountain areas management at the IRSTEA (Environmental Engineering Technical Institute, Grenoble, France). President of AGEBIO (French Association of Biological Engineering for Soil Erosion Control). He is specialist in Forest hydrological restoration works. He is author of numerous publications especially in the fields of mountain torrents management and erosion control in mountainous areas.
Soil Bioengineering against the torrential erosion

Degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona and Master in Landscaping at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. President of the EFIB (European Federation of Bioengineering), President of the AEIP (Spanish Association of Landscape Engineering), member of the AEP (Spanish Association of Landscape Architects), Teacher of Bioengineering at various national and international masters. Organizer and lecturer of various courses and conferences in Bioengineering in several countries. She has a broad professional background in nursery-gardening, landscaping, bioengineering and ecological restoration.
From the river to the bay, the Soil and Water Bioengineering in DSS2016 EU

Doctor in Natural Sciences from the Scientific University of Trieste (doctoral thesis in botany 110/110 cum laude). He founded in 1990 the A.I.P.I.N. (Italian Association of bioengineering) and he has been the president of this association ever since. He is author of more than 300 projects and 200 publications. His main Research Areas are: Bioengineering, Engineering and Environmental Impact Assessment.
The Soil Bioengineering Compendium

She is an Agricultural engineer specialized in Landscape Architecture and Horticulture. She is Professor of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction in the Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards Department of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna. She has a Doctorate in landscape design and landscape construction. She is also specialist in bioengineering, torrential areas management and erosion control.
Root revolution: below ground architecture of the stabilisation techniques